Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Name The Islamobile! Ford Reconquistador? The Insaniti J911? The Chrysler Doomina? The Audi C-4?

September 11, 2006

Concerned about Islam's image problem in much of the Western world, some Muslims in Germany have come up with a solution -- the Islamobile. But the mobile information station also raises new questions.

Let's take a timeout from this latest bit of Islamosurdity to note the date Der Spiegel chose to run this story. It's right there above the headline. You might recognize it, as it's been in the news recently.

The Islamobile stands next to the local Catholic church.

...with their blessing, of course, as they and the rest of Europe multiculturicide themselves so merrily and tolerantly into dhimmitude.

The stand is "a mobile multimedia information point in the form of a semi-trailer," according to the information leaflet. You could also say the Islamobile is a cross between a mosque and a motorhome -- perhaps a motormosque.

We completely interrupt this ridiculous story to list off some naming suggestions for other carmakers who want to exploit the thriving new jihadi market with Islamomakes and Islamomodels all their own!

The Ford Reconquistador

The Ford Exploder

The Ford Model O

The Insaniti J911

The Aston Martin DB711

The Staab Van Gogh

The Audi C-4

The Lincoln Lostcontinental (Europe only)

The Mahda Mehida

The Daejoo Aksa Brigade

The Daihatsoon AllahAkbar

The Guantanamo Captiva

The Guantanamo Escape (concept drawings only)

The Chrysler Caliphate

The Chrysler Seething Convertible

The Dodge Trepid

The Bommer (and the Bommer B-2 and now the B-3!)

The British Leydown MG-OBL

The Dodge MAXXmad

The Palestine Crossfire

The Mercury Pillager

The Mercury Plastique

The Buick Throatmaster

The Maynotmock

The Triumph Spitonjews

The Chrysler Doomina

The Dodge Mineret

The CAIR Isuyu

The Dhimmi 4x4

The Toyota Pious

The Chevrolet Impalya

The Chevy Toehold (assembled in Dearbornistan)

The Chevy al-Camino

The BMW 2973i (manufactured in Hamburg)

I could go on, but the last one is just too depressing... so, I will now return you to the rest of this ridiculous story.

It has two retractable minarets, complete with crescent moon, and a cupola. The Islamobile is 13.60 meters (45 feet) long and 8 meters (26 feet) wide with minarets extended. It's a specially designed vehicle, built to educate and clarify, to clear up misunderstandings and combat prejudice -- a kind of holy information point on wheels. The Islamobile is meant to spread the true image of Islam throughout Germany, according to its builders.

"With the help of Allah and thanks to the work of our volunteers, the Islamobile is an effective educational tool, whose purpose is to familiarize Western society with Islam," the information leaflet explains.

A final note: maybe they should pay a licensing fee to Lamborghini and call it, "The Diablo."


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